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The Grass is Greener: How to Care For Your Synthetic Lawn

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While one of the benefits of installing synthetic grass into your garden is that is does not require any cutting, that doesn't mean it doesn't need maintaining. Below are some simple steps you can take to maintain and care for your synthetic lawn.


While rainfall is the best thing for cleaning synthetic grass, it is possible you don't live in an area with high rainfall. If that is the case, quickly spraying your synthetic grass using a garden hose will help to remove any dust, dirt or pollen which has built up on the lawn. You should pay particular attention to high use areas.


How regularly you need to brush your lawn will be dictated by the amount of use it gets. The fibres of the lawn may begin to mat together. You should use a brush with synthetic bristles to brush against the grain of the turf to lift up the fibres. Never use a brush which has wire or metal bristles as these can cause damage to the synthetic grass fibres.


If you drop or spill anything on your synthetic lawn, you should act quickly to remove it. It is much easier to clean up a fresh spill rather than trying to remove a stubborn stain, which has hardened and set. Any solid deposits can be scraped from the grass using a wooden knife or spatula. Any liquid spills should be blotted using paper towel or a clean cloth.


You should allow any solid waste to dry before scooping it up and depositing of it. If you do not live in an area of high rainfall, you should hose down your synthetic lawn on a regular basis. This will help to encourage doing of any urine and also help to keep the area hygienic. To prevent smells, you should apply a mixture of distilled vinegar with equal parts of water to the lawn before hosing it down with water.

Chewing Gum and Tree Sap

Chewing gum and tree sap are easily removed by freezing the affected area. You should apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the gum or sap until it is cold. You can then use a knife to carefully scrape away the hardened mess.

By carrying out these simple tasks, you can ensure that your synthetic lawn stays in a condition which will continue to serve you well for many years to come.
