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Everything You Need to Know About Drought-Resistant Turf Grass

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One of the biggest struggles when it comes to maintaining a healthy and lush lawn is dealing with drought conditions. Regular grass can quickly wither and turn brown when it doesn’t get enough water, leaving your once-beautiful lawn looking patchy and unattractive. Luckily, there is a solution: drought-resistant turf grass. This blog post will delve into everything you need to know about this type of grass, including its functionality, advantages, and the various available types. Read More»

Three Ways to Enhance Your Garden Landscape

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If you love creating and working in your garden, here are three ideas to inspire you and enhance your landscape. Pebble Mulch Your garden may not have a riverbed of pebbles winding through it or be framed by a natural cliff; however, that doesn’t mean it can’t showcase the beauty of stone. One way to do this is with pebble mulch. A layer of stones on your garden beds will help retain moisture, insulate the ground and discourage weeds. Read More»

Turf For School Sports Fields: Why Choose Kikuyu?

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Regular physical exercise and education is a mandatory part of the school curriculum across Australia. An outdoor sports field gives children and teenagers a great place to play a variety of sports and get enthused about their physical fitness. However, for a school sports field to be safe to use year-round, it must use a suitable type of turf. Kikuyu turf is an excellent choice for any outdoor sports field, and it is especially suitable for schools. Read More»

Using Corporate Office Cleaning to Control Infections

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As any employer knows, once an infection breaks out in your workplace, it can bring your operation to a grinding halt. Because of this, it’s in your best interests to get outbreaks under control as soon as you can. One way to achieve this is by using a corporate office cleaning service. Whether it’s for COVID-19 or another communicable disease, here are some reasons to turn to corporate cleaning. Effective Tools Read More»

How to Create a Practical Garden Where the Terrain May Say Otherwise

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If you love to maintain an outdoor garden but have recently moved into a property that’s built on sloping land, you may face a problem. How can you create a new outdoor masterpiece to grow flowers and vegetables when the soil is likely to be washed away when the rainy season comes around? In a situation like this, you may need to be creative and “chop” your garden space up into sections instead, but how can you go about this so that your gardening will be a pleasure and not a pain? Read More»

5 Ways of Controlling Environmental Erosion

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Erosion occurs when wind, water or ice carries away and deposits material in another place. While erosion is a natural process, human activities can accelerate it. This blog post will discuss five ways of controlling environmental erosion. Read on to learn more! 1. Construct retaining walls to prevent soil from washing away You can use walls and dams made of rocks, concrete or brick to slow down or stop water from carrying away soil particles. Read More»

Why It's Important to Choose the Right Type of Grass for Your Lawn

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You might be interested in planting grass on your property. After all, having nice, plush grass on your property can instantly improve its kerb appeal and make it more beautiful and enjoyable for you and your family. You shouldn’t plant just any type of grass seed that you can find on your property, however; instead, you will need to take your time to do your research about different types of grass, and you’ll need to make sure that you choose the right grass seed for your property. Read More»

Ideas for Incorporating Stone into Your Garden

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If you want to add visual interest to your garden, you could use rocks. They come in different shapes and sizes, and they can see suit various needs. Here are some ideas for your backyard. Stone Mulch While rock can be carved into pavers and blocks, it can also be used as gravel, pebble and stones in a more natural form. Spread stone mulch over garden beds, for example, to help retain soil and keep weeds at bay. Read More»

How To Choose The Best Lawnmower For Your First Home

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Every Saturday morning across Australia the sound of lawnmowers firing up can be heard for miles around. A lot of people take great pride in their lawns and making sure it is at the right height at all times is top of the list of required maintenance. If you are choosing a lawnmower for the first time, however, you may have considerably less experience in knowing what is good and what is to be avoided. Read More»

Why You Should Lay Your New Turf As Soon As You Get It

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If you bought a home that was in need of renovation, you might have inherited a lawn that was definitely in need of some care. In this case, you may have decided to dig everything up and start afresh, as this will be far simpler than trying to salvage something that was too far gone. Before you place an order for fresh turf, however, make sure that you can adjust your schedule accordingly. Read More»